Friday 4 November 2011

Why things matter???

   Ever wished that when you come back home everything thing is in order. The dishes are clean, the clothes dried up and even the food is cooked and served. It would be an ideal lifestyle for all of us. Do you remember when you were small, after a tiring day playing and you come back home and sit in front of the TV. As you wanted to turn on the TV and finding for the remote, you notice the remote is beside the TV. At that moment u feel so lazy to stand and take the remote. You wish how if you could just make the remote float to your hand. Well im not going to tell anything on how to make remote's float but actually, going to talk about something more better which is about objects that can do work them selves.

   This weeks article is  by Julian Bleeckers, "Manifesto of for Network Objects - Cohabiting with Pidgeons, Aprhids and Aibos in the Internet of Things". this article covers about the internet of things. He used the term Blogjects as to address this "Things" which comes from the combination of blog + object. Blogject is refferd to the concept that now objects too can communicate. However this is only possible with the availability of the internet and objects that could connect to them.

   This type of term may be confusing or scary at first sight but nothing to be surprised that blogjects have already be part of our life. These "things", joins and exchanges ideas through the web. These is however done solely independently without any human involvement. The information is however crucial for humans to take further actions. It is somewhat  like constructing a building. The blogjects provides the information needed to make sure the platform could be build and then humans could continue to build the other floors.

   There are 3 characteristic that blogjects posses which is :-
  •    Being able to track and trace where the have been 
    Many thing has now built in GPS system that could reveal the exact location they are at. The receiver could be as simple as through your smart phone. Tracking devices is a famous example for blogjects that suites this characteristic.  It remembers that last activity done or place visited and makes it easy for other to trace it back.
  •    Having an assertive voice within the social webEach blogjects have their own qualities. each out stands out with its own qualities. They communicate with other things that they need to make sure they get things done individually.
  •   Having embedded histories of their encounters and experiences
    Something like a tracking devise, blogjects have a memories stored in them. For example, all our computer usage will be stored in the history or even the car GPS could be traced back its routes by dwelling with the GPS system it self.
     These directly narrows us down to two things which is CO-Habitation - space and place and CO- participation. It is undeniable that these blojects have been part of us to help us. The information that we get from them end of the day help us all in our daily life. Besides that we have too have to participate and communicate with them to make out a better quality life with our surrounding.

   In conclusion, these blogjects are the key stepping stone in making a better future ahead. there are more things to come as times pass by and blogjects are just there mere glimpse of what lies ahead. Although human is the best in any technical works, but blogjects are there not to take over these jobs for now but to help out. Who knows Terminator era might just be around the corner where we can start shaking legs and let the  "Things" do the work for us. But is that the right way and how we want live our live as a lazy inactive humans?

Is it Google or Apple???

   Week 12's reading touches on two very big giant that had made a very big land mark in the world of IT and technology. The two giant mentioned was none other than Apple and Google. They have come out with many new types of technology and had made a big difference in making our lives easier in many ways. Google has come a long way from just being an ordinary search engine to where it is now whereby they have created their own operating system

   In this weeks reading, Google's Open Source Android OS will free the wireless Web, it touches about Google's Android interface. It will be used in interfaces such as smart phone. As a competitive nature, Apple also came out with its creation of its own software used in one of their most famous creation which is the I-Phone. When both Smart phone android is compared with I-Phone. there are some prominentdifference in the interest rate of the society. Android is somewhat is more preferred due to to the reason that the applications are free. Besides that  I-Phone applications somewhat could only be used in I-phone only and cant be downloaded to other types of smart phone.

   However although the consumer prefer to go for the Android more, but it is undeniable the I-Phone has set its own bar for the smart phone series. Although there are other version of smart phone from different brands but I-Phone has its own position in its market. Aplle products aren't the easiest to use but end of the day, maybe the sophisticated nature blurs everyone's vision as it is a very advanced technology. The competition however doesn't just stop there as the market always has someone new emerging. the latest one could be will be the Blackberry OS.

   As in from a consumers perspective, i would strongly suggest that Android is a better choice. Although I-Phone becomes the new phone trend setter, but I-Phone is a very much closed and protected types of technology whereby only apple would be the place to look forward in case of anything. on the other hand Google gives away free android with an open garden of application. More over the growth of Google itself has amazed us all with an increase in market share. A more reliable and safer choice in a long term i would say.

   In conclusion, both Google and Apple are becoming better and better over the years with invention of technology that had bring us from nowhere to where are we now. However its better to know our stuff in and out first before making any decision. The android has somewhat in my opinion wins this race at the moment but this is not the end as there is more to come from both kingmakers.

Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries go

   It has become a common sight in most of the part of the world for the community or society in a specific place to start a protest when they could not handle the dissatisfaction at hand due to the reason that they are just ordinary person and want some serious action to be taken. However, distance too has no say when the internet has taken control of the current world that we live in. Facebook and Twitter are famous social networking sites that helps in connecting everyone. both Facebook and Twitter however have also been a tool used to help out in other external issues such as helping out in a protest by doing cyber protest.

   Cyber protest are protest done through the cyber world usually by creating groups or spreading the news to all the contact in their accounts. Although we are on the other side of the world, we can still be active in the cyberworld protest. Moreover when a issue becomes a very hot topic in these social networking sites, it will eventually will be noticed by the necessary officials and will come to limelight.

   Although,the actual purpose social networking sites Facebook and Twitter were created is that everyone could stay connected and communicate. However things have moved from just staying connected to more of a toll of freedom of speech. Everyone has their own say on their own account in either Facebook or twitter. Sometimes even the most subjective issues become a hot topic whereby everyone takes part. As mentioned by Malcom Gladwell "that the internet can be an effective tool for political change when used by grassroots organizations". Since the aspect of connectivity dwells very deeply in these social networking sites, thus an opinion about the political change can actually change the mind of many that are present in this sites.

  Besides that the importance of internet has also been identified not only by the society but also the people that govern it. Even our own Prime Minister Dato' Sri Haji Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak has his own account in both twitter and Facebook. This is part of his approach to become more closer to the pupil of Malaysia. he even encourages everyone to do so. In his approach of a more democratic country, social networking sites has played a very great deal both in the upbriging of this country, bringing everyone to become a more closer nationalities and also also reveals another face of a so called democratic country to lime light. There is more to these social networking site that meet the eyes since its development stage. One thing is for sure is that Facebook and Twitter might just be places where revolutionaries go for a further revoltionary events to take place.


Thursday 3 November 2011


   Hacking is the act of getting access into a persons digital or internet zone without permission. nobody is going to be happy if someone else crosses and gets access to your personal information in your computer. Situation would actually be very ugly if that person could not only get access to your personal information but also temper with it which is one of the most nastiest thing a person could do to another.

   First and foremost lets get to know somethings about this hackers. hackers are not just any random guys. Although they may look like any one of us, but their IQ level and knowledge about computer's very much supersedes an ordinary computer users. This is because hacking requires a great amount of understanding about the computer, coding and the internet. Thus in simple terms this guys are freaking SMART!!!. However some genius tend to miss use it in a very wrong way. such as trying to get access into places they are not suppose to such as the ISA site ( WHAT WERE U GUYS THINKING!!!)

   However the whole hacking cant be said as a bad deed. This is because there are also government officials that do hack for official purpose. Cybercrime is one of the latest trend of crime that is widely increasing now. Hacking falls under cybercrime laws. thus it is only wise if even the government officials have such personals on their site to fight these type of crime. The officers will sometime have to hack to a specific suspects computer to help out to solve very hard to solve cases which they may get breakthrough by hacking only.

   Due to this dangerous condition nowadays, it is very important for us to be very careful. Try not to put any personal information that is very valuable in places that others can get access through easily. Its important even for us to get know some technical stuff so that we wont be too blur when someone is actually sneaking upon your stuff. End of the day, extra knowledge on a certain things would be very good but it depends later on how we are going to use it. Either we could use for the good willing of all or the other way round which may end up causing trouble to you. This also applies to all future generation that is already planning to become an hacker one day. Better choose the right side today.

Citizen journalism

   In this 21st century, the world has come across many new type of technology and evolution. One of the greatest achievement of all is the birth of the internet. The birth of the internet has given a big breakthrough to many new discoveries, the transfer or fast information sharing and communication. One of the main focus of this particular article is the birth of citizen journalism as how it came about and its nature.

   Citizen journalism is a trend where by everyone plays the role of journalist. It applies to the active role of ordinary people that take interest in conveying the happenings that is happening around them. In olden days, news could only be received from the newspaper or any broadcast media. Only the people working at these places could provide us with news around the world. With the birth of the internet, individual importance has been given a recognition. The internet helps in connecting everyone and thus gave birth to citizen journalism. Through the internet, even the most shyest person on earth could be heard. there are many sites that becomes a hot spot for citizen journalism to take place such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and as such. Another technology that further enhances citizen journalism is the invention of the smart phone that allows us to

   When a breaking news happens, the first person to know about it are the person that are nearest to the place of incident. At the current timezone, they could be the first one to expose of to tell about it to the world. this could be done as simple as, connecting to your smart phone to the internet and posting up a status on the facebook or even tweet it in tweeter. Facebook and Twitter has somewhat become one of the fastest source or news in the world. Big international news such as death of Steve Jobs or even national news such as the blast of Empire gallery shopping mall in Subang Jaya Malaysia was known in between few minutes as the incident or event occurred. one of the main pro's of citizen journalism which is the speed of information transfer.

   Furthermore, cotozen journalim is done without going through any editors editing and this means the news will be as raw as possible. There is nothing to worry about the news may have been tempered due to government regulation and so. But this may arise a question weather, the news may be or may not be true or credible. To a certain extend citizen journalism may only be be considered as an open source of information for our personal knowledge but cant be used as a credible base to do any important work on unless the information is gotten from a very reliable source. This new trend however has given opportunity to everyone to become a journalist. It opens oppurtunity for everyone has a say upon their part and voice out to be heard.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Weblogs and The Mass Amateurization

   The emergence of internet has brought in many differences. One of the most important emergence is the emergence of blogs. Blogs or weblogs are sort of a forum or a diary that is frequently updated by a single use or also known as a blogger or even a company. Weblogs are used for many different reasons such as advertise gadgets, own opinion or view point, notify about food and the places with good food, recent happenings and many others.

   In this 21st century, the arrival of the internet has brought upon many different ways to create revenue for on self if they know how to do so. This is possible even by blogging. usually bloggers create revenue through advertising. There are a number of companies out there that does research and looks for good blogs. these bloggers will then be contacted and will be asked permission if they could use their blogs to place ads. These ad placing  companies are very much aware that weblogs are one of the hot media used by many to gain access to different types of information thus using it to place ads is considered a good strategy to target many people especially the teens.

   In terms of the content that is present, its is very much debatable. This is due to the reason that weblogs are not only maintained by a trained professionals every time, but there are also weblogs that are handled by ordinary people. Thus the content that we read from this types of blogs are actually unreliable due to the reason there is no proper facts to support them. Besides that, the term "freedom of speech" also plays a very important part in the evolution of blogging. Many ordinary citizen would like to tell what they feel or opinion to many but they are afraid that it will land them in a big problem. Thus another alternative rather than shouting out in the public is blogging whereby there will be many people that would come and read what you wrote (that is if the blog is interesting to read)

  We may compare which would be better. Some say books are better than weblogs and other may say vise versa. Actually it depends. Both media has its own pros and cons. When we look at a book, it is very dependable because it may have gone a series of editing before it is being published. But when we are looking for a fast information especially with a keyword in it, it is quite hard to find through a box of books. on the other hand, the blogs are very, fast easy to access and its free. However, the weblogs somehow lacks of credibility of the information and may not be trusted. thus everything has its ups and down and it depends on the user to make sure to try to get the best of both worlds.