Friday 4 November 2011

Facebook and Twitter are just places revolutionaries go

   It has become a common sight in most of the part of the world for the community or society in a specific place to start a protest when they could not handle the dissatisfaction at hand due to the reason that they are just ordinary person and want some serious action to be taken. However, distance too has no say when the internet has taken control of the current world that we live in. Facebook and Twitter are famous social networking sites that helps in connecting everyone. both Facebook and Twitter however have also been a tool used to help out in other external issues such as helping out in a protest by doing cyber protest.

   Cyber protest are protest done through the cyber world usually by creating groups or spreading the news to all the contact in their accounts. Although we are on the other side of the world, we can still be active in the cyberworld protest. Moreover when a issue becomes a very hot topic in these social networking sites, it will eventually will be noticed by the necessary officials and will come to limelight.

   Although,the actual purpose social networking sites Facebook and Twitter were created is that everyone could stay connected and communicate. However things have moved from just staying connected to more of a toll of freedom of speech. Everyone has their own say on their own account in either Facebook or twitter. Sometimes even the most subjective issues become a hot topic whereby everyone takes part. As mentioned by Malcom Gladwell "that the internet can be an effective tool for political change when used by grassroots organizations". Since the aspect of connectivity dwells very deeply in these social networking sites, thus an opinion about the political change can actually change the mind of many that are present in this sites.

  Besides that the importance of internet has also been identified not only by the society but also the people that govern it. Even our own Prime Minister Dato' Sri Haji Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak has his own account in both twitter and Facebook. This is part of his approach to become more closer to the pupil of Malaysia. he even encourages everyone to do so. In his approach of a more democratic country, social networking sites has played a very great deal both in the upbriging of this country, bringing everyone to become a more closer nationalities and also also reveals another face of a so called democratic country to lime light. There is more to these social networking site that meet the eyes since its development stage. One thing is for sure is that Facebook and Twitter might just be places where revolutionaries go for a further revoltionary events to take place.



  1. I agree that social networking sites have become a platform for people to speak out. People used to share neutral information and commenting happily in social networking sites. But now, people always touches the sensitive issue and it causes arguments. And slowly, this is the fire starter of a protest activity.

    I personally think social networking site is not a good place to revolutionary events. Social networking site is for people to make friends and interact but not doing something negative which can cause disagreement.

  2. I agree with you totally Kiru on the fact that the way Twitter & Facebook has change things as compared to the past. Your example of our very own Prime Minister using his Facebook and Twitter to talk to the country's people is really a way that one couldn't do in the past such as during the era of Dato Seri Dr.Mahatir our former Prime minister as the existent of Facebook and Twitter is yet to be seen thus having him to result in the older method of having a visit to the local stores giving his blessing towards his people, but unlike today as Twitter and Facebook has revolutionize the way we communicate to other people. Thus, this is really good act of democracy shown by our current Prime minister Dato Seri Najib.

  3. Hi, I agree with social networking change the way people interpreting. In term of political view, I think it is a good place to voice out, but not to make things become serious. At least people will concern about what is happening in current society.
