Thursday 25 August 2011

Network citizens power and responsibility at work - Economic

The journal that we are required to analyze for this week is Peter Bradwell’s and Richard Reeves’s journal on network citizens, power and responsibility whereby the focus was more to economics. Humans have developed from the Stone Age to where ever we are now. The changes that took place never stopped and are still continuing. In the course of change also we have developed many new aspect of life and economies are one them. Economy is a very important aspect of a state whereby the up brings or development of a particular state is evaluated by looking at its economic status.
The economy of a country is not dependent on a particular organization, government or an individual. The economy of a country is driven actually by everyone in the country either from the government sector or even private sector. Without even realizing, we have somewhat or another had contributed to the economy of the country that we are staying in. Each job done either big or small does affect the economy. However the economy now is facing few changes due to the changes that is taking place among the society and their working culture.

            According the journal, one of the major changes that are faced in many countries are the type of jobs. Due to the development of technology and networking’s, people have now move to a more knowledge based jobs like banking and marketing rather than hard labour. That doesn’t mean that physical labour is totally diminished but now the percentage of knowledge based labour has more demand than the physical labour. Knowledge based work are given equal important as manufacturing as we need both to run the business successfully. Besides that through the birth of technology also, many new sectors have been intervened whereby now the availability to employment also increases drastically in many sectors which was not even thought could be accessed once upon a time.
Changes could also be seen in employer an employee relationship. In the current economic standing, the employee also has started to have a say in the type of work they want and the type of boss they wish to have. The days where the bosses are giving really hard times to his workers are not anymore tolerated by the employees. On the other hand they would prefer to have a more “ethical employer” at hand. This shows that the network culture changes not only the economy status but also the network citizen that dwells in it. A good working environment, a smooth communication between employer and employee and a happy day at work certainly plays a part in affecting the economy state of a country.
The networking environment has also touched in the boundaries of work and leisure. Due to the change in the perception among the network citizen now, work place has also now become a place of socializing, making communication and also making network. It has come to a state that the best way now is to make sure to try to get make the network system of the employees to increase the business status of a particular company. As stated in the journal by the authors “the key now will be the management and interaction between the organization and an individual”.
Ina nut shell network citizen are the pioneer of the near world in the future. Neglecting this new trend may cost a lot for a company, business or even the economy of a state. It is wise to make full use of this new trend in the development of many new ideas, innovation and collaborations. By being a network citizen, individual talent and potentials could be maximized for the benefits of the whole society and economy. One thing is for sure that change is ignorable and by adapting ourselves to the changes that happen is the best or the wiser thing to do. We may even be better of that we ever imagined.


  1. great interpretation and well is our future generations of development and advancement.. everybody uses it to spread their business and also to market themselves... it will be a fallback for those companies who do not get involve with networking community... will definitely give a look on your further postings..

  2. Technology helps us to improve in the way of moving us from hard labour to machine era. Just like what you said, development of technology moves us to more knowledge based jobs like banking and marketing rather than hard labour. Due to the changing, people also tend to move their steps on traditional method to technology method, for example, past, we use to write letter and send it by postman but recently, this traditional method tend to be outdated and replace by new media method which is online e-mail system. All the development of technology helps the country improves their economy and step to success.
