Wednesday 24 August 2011

Now you better step back- Dare not step into my WORLD (cyberspace)

Now you better step back- Dare not step into my WORLD. Well this is the warning from the new generation to the old generation that is ruling the world in real life. The new generation is the generation that now has two worlds to be in which is the real world and the cyberworld. The cyberworld or cyberspace is a non material space that is created by humans through the internet. The internet is the core place where the cyberspace dwells in. the cyberspace is a space whereby the user gets access to it and to a certain extend could live in it as if living in your own world where by most of the law of the physical world could not get accessed to. Altough there wont be any physical contact done between any humans or material things, but however that are the only two things that seperates the real world and cyber space. Other than that, the cyberspace makes it possible to do many ordinary activities such as finding for information, communicating, freedom to talk what ever you want which is not that possible to do in the real world.

In his journal "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace", John Perry Barlow has expressed in a form that cyberspace community is giving a strict warning to the outer government. i stand strong beside Barlow in his statement that the cyberspace is not bound by the boundaries of the state. The cyberspace and the community in it has its own rule of freedom and the government of the real world has is not allowed to interfere by any mean in the actions or even the statement stated in the cyberspace.

As an example of a famous social networking site in the cyberspace which  Facebook. as a social networking site it is used as tool of communicating with other people that are part of our network. However "I" become the only person that has the rights in controlling my Facebook and the activities that is being done in it. The goverment in power now has no rights in interfering and altering its content whereby the law of freedom of speech should not be applied to the social networking site. However i also would like to give in my personal opinion that although the government in power should not interfere in the cyberspace, but as for now the issue of ethical usage of the cyberspace falls to the user to make sure they understand the consequences in misusing the cyberspace. 

In a nut shell, as for now onwards, we are living in two worlds. The importance of both world is very prominent whereby as for now its very impossible to live without even one of them. However the governess of the real world is advised to not to enter the cyberspace as this new world is being shaped to form a new constitution all by itself. the question now arises weather, would this new order of freedom would be a better choice or the total opposite to it???


  1. We are living in two worlds. Good point about that because we as a student, we go to classroom for the teaching but comes to entertainment or information gathering, I think we will eventually go to another world which is cyberspace.

    In my opinion, freedom of speech is the reason why people are all crushing into the cyberspace. They have to right to control what they want to do. But at the same time, law and regulation should implement to enhance the security in the cyberspace just like what you had mention in the post that there are some ethical issues that had occur in the cyberspace.

  2. Hey Kiru

    I agree that with your point that the younger generation are very much against the old generation intervening in cyberspace. However, I feel that whenever there is too much freedom it tends to be abused, just like in Cyberspace if there is too much freedom of speech then user will begin to abuse it and the order is lost.

    Therefore, I feel that a law should be pass on to cyberspace, not a law that tells people what they can do or what they can't do in cyberspace. But a law they ensure an order would be kept.
