Friday 12 August 2011

why networks matter-Manuel Castells

Manuel Castelle has marvelously done an in-depth study and had prepared a very in one of the journals that he prepared about networks which is titled “Power does not reside in institutions, not even the state or large corporations. It is located in the networks that structure society . . .” In this journal, a very important theme that is highlighted is about the relationship between network and society. Networking has been part of the society for a very long time but it has emerged to limelight to the society just recently and this is due to the emergence of new type of technologies that could support and sustain networks.

            According to the journal the question, what is society has arised and Manuel Castelle has provide a very realistic and in-depth answer which states that the society is not made up based on its technological growth but on the other hand, is the social structure which are made up of many networks diversed in the society.

            Network may be seen as a small type of structure from its outer or physical point of view but the actual strength of the networks lies internally and can’t be seen. For example in a networking business, the strength of the business increases as the network also expands.  Besides that individualism becomes one of the aspects that emerges among society in the new era. Through the different type of social networking sites such as Facebook, Friendster, myspace and many other that are similar to it, the power of individualism is expanding in a greater scale as now everyone are connected individually and could be heard induvidually.

            The new era as can be seen as a network era rather than a technology or information era has been expected by many researches and they have come out with few expectations in this new era such as network is expanding globally and it is invertible to stop it as there is no straight route of cutting through a connection. However diverting the connection by creating a new connection is a possible. All in all network is the latest way things work now globally as now everything or everyone is connected to one another and with the rise of technologies such as the internet strengths further the relationship that is created by the network society.


  1. good insight of the journal macha, as long as mankind exist, technology will always advance therefore networks are ever changing in the near future.

  2. YES Kiru The new era can been seen as a network! Its about building relationship with people. Everybody is doing something to feel belong and have a balance lifestyle.

  3. The power of networks are 'hidden' and 'can't be seen', good point. I like to add the the powers are in the individual relationships that form a network/community.

    What are the other major points from the reading? Care to share?

    Good start. Keep posting.

  4. Agree that individualism are expanding in the network and they can be heard individually. They will post their feelings or emotion to exposed to the outer world. Undoubtedly,network are going to the trend of globalization.However, people also have to use well as to balance the network and the reality life. Nice post Kiru!
